I am currently 26 years old. I was born in South Korea. My family and I moved to America as our new home in the year of 2005. Since then, I have been engaged in American education from 3rd grade to university. After obtaining the Associate's Degree in Community of College of Philadelphia in 2020, I had been studying the fields of Criminal Justice as my major at Rutgers New Brunswick since Spring 2022. After successfully earning the Bachelor's Degree and graduating from Rutgers in Spring 2024, I have recently enrolled into the Upenn, with the goal of earning the Master's Degree of Science in Criminology.
My family and I currently live in New Jersey. During my free time, I exercise to lose weight; I especially perform push-ups, use the stretcher, and run on bikes. To entertain myself, I mainly watch fun movies/skits/shows (mostly criminal dramas), listen to catchy songs, walk around the park, play board games with my parents, chat with my friends online, and go on exciting trips. I often help mow the grass and water the plants on our house's lawn. Few times, I look up and read news regarding social issues I am intrigued by. As of right now, I am finally learning how to drive more properly, in which I would successfully be able to travel to different locations independently without having to rely on someone to take me there.
During my attendance at Upenn, I firmly hope that the Master's Program will help develop my learning and research skills when it comes to studying the fields of criminology.