Current Students


Bachelors of Arts in Criminology:

The major in Criminology enables students to acquire a theoretical and methodological framework for generating and assessing knowledge about crime and social control. The program draws upon disciplines from law to neuroscience to develop a liberal arts approach to the subject of crime. Every major is required to develop a research proposal as part of senior capstone experience.


Graduate Studies

Masters of Science Degree:

Penn's Master of Science (MS) in criminology aims to create criminal justice "change agents," preparing students to spend their career applying criminological research in public and non-profit domestic and international organizations. This degree is also designed to prepare students for continued graduate or professional education at leading research universities. Every year a number of MS graduates pursue additional graduate education at the leading law schools and Ph.D. programs. The program is consists of eight course units and is typically completed in one academic year (August-May).

Doctor of Philosophy:

Penn's interdisciplinary Ph.D. in criminology combines the traditional concerns of criminologists with concepts, theories, and empirical research from a wide variety of academic disciplines. The program seeks to produce scholars who can produce research in academic or policy settings.

Working closely with faculty, students are encouraged to design their own curriculum and begin research very early in their graduate education. Typical time for degree is approximately four years.